Extraction Kits for Automatic Instruments

Automatic Platform

TIANGEN adheres to the concept of convenient, efficient and user-friendly instrument development, and relies on the global advanced instrument production platform to develop a series of fast and automatic experimental instrument products, focusing in sample treatment, reaction system preparation, nucleic acid extraction, sample analysis and detection.

TIANGEN's automatic platforms include the auto-pipetting platform, the automated nucleic acid extractor as well as the matching prepacked reagents specifically developed for specific samples.

  • TGuide Smart Universal DNA Kit

    The prefilled cartridge / plate reagent kit for purification genomic DNA from blood, dried blood spot, bacteria, cells, saliva, oral swabs, animal tissues, etc.

  • TGuide Smart Viral DNA/RNA Kit

    The prefilled cartridge / plate reagent kit for purification viral DNA/RNA from blood, tissue, serum, plasma, body fluid, swab, tissue and sputum, etc.

  • TGuide Smart Blood Genomic DNA Kit

    The prefilled cartridge / plate reagent kit for genomic DNA purification from blood and buffy coat

  • TGuide Smart DNA Purification Kit

    Recovers high-quality DNA from PCR product or agarose gels.

  • TGuide Smart Soil / Stool DNA Kit

    Purifies inhibitor-free DNA of high purity and quality from soil and stool samples

  • TGuide Smart Magnetic Plant DNA Kit

    Purify high-quality genomic DNA from various plant tissues

  • TGuide Smart Magnetic Tissue DNA Kit

    The prefilled cartridge / plate reagent kit for genomic DNA extraction from animal tissues

  • TGuide Smart Magnetic Plant RNA Kit

    Purify high-quality total RNA from plant tissues

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