Room temperature (15-25℃) -
The TIANamp Virus DNA/RNA Kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective method for virus DNA and RNA purification from plasma, serum and other cell-free samples. This kit is based on silica membrane technology and unique buffer system. Carrier RNA in this kit improves the binding of virus DNA/RNA to the silica membrane especially in the case of trace amount of samples. With no phenol/chloroform extraction, high-quality virus DNA/RNA is eluted in a small volume of RNase-Free ddH2O. The purified DNA/RNA is ready for use in downstream applications such as PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, Southern blot, reverse transcription, etc.
By applying this kit, high quality DNA/RNA could be purified from various virus samples including HBV, HPV, HCV and enterovirus within one hour.
Required Reagents
Ethanol -
■ High quality DNA/RNA can be purified within one hour.
■ No need for phenol/chloroform extraction.
■ High yield, excellent repeatability.
■ Totally free from contaminants and inhibitors.
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