Single Column


High-efficient purification of DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues by xylene treatment

Catalog number / packaging

Mat. No

Ref. No

No. of preps


GDP331-02 50
  • Storage

    Room temperature (15-25℃)
  • Description

    The TIANamp FFPE DNA Kit applies xylene deparaffinization method to remove paraffin, and provides special lysis condition to extract DNA from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedding (FFPE) samples. This method overcomes the inhibitory effect of formalin cross-linking. By combining the specific columns and a special buffer system, high-quality DNA can be extracted into a small elution volume. The purified DNA has good genome integrity, high purity and stable and reliable quality, which is ideally suitable for diagnosis and academic research.
  • Required Reagents

    Xylene, ethanol, RNaseA (optional)
  • Features

    Wide application: The kit could be used to extract gDNA from various FFPE samples.

    Easy extraction procedure:  Easy extraction and purification of high-quality, high-yield and ready-to-use DNA with good repeatability.

    Stable and reliable: Complete removal of contaminants and PCR inhibitors.

  • Applications

    ■ PCR and RT-qPCR

    ■ SNP and STR gene analysis

    ■ Pharmacogenomics research

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