Column-based Method

RNA Easy Fast Plant Tissue Kit

For purification of high-quality total RNA from plant tissues

Catalog number / packaging

Mat. No

Ref. No

No. of preps


GDP452 50
  • Storage

    The reagents can be stored at room temperature (15-25℃). The RNase-Free DNase I should be stored at 2-8℃.

  • Description

    The RNA Easy Fast Plant Tissue Kit is a rapid RNA extraction kit for plant tissues developed based on the genomic DNA removal technology exclusively developed by TIANGEN. Toxic reagents such as β-mercaptoethanol or DTT are not needed during the operation, and the whole process of RNA extraction can be completed within 30 minutes. It is not only suitable for leaf samples of common plants such as wheat and corn, but also for polysaccharide/polyphenol-rich samples such as Malus spectabilis leaf, cotton leaf, chrysanthemum leaf, hibiscus flower, potato tuber, watermelon, cucumber, pine needle, etc.
  • Required Reagents

    RNase-Free DNase I (1500 U) (TIANGEN, Cat. no.4992232)
  • Features

    ■ Simple and fast: Total RNA extraction from plant samples can be completed within 30 minutes.

    ■ Strong compatibility: This kit is not only suitable for common stem and leaf samples, but also for polysaccharide/polyphenol-rich samples.

    ■ Safe and low toxic: Toxic reagents such as β-mercaptoethanol, DTT, chloroform, phenol are not needed.

  • Applications

    Suitable for a downstream operation, including RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, chip hybridization, Northern Blot, Dot Blot, PolyA screening, in vitro translation, RNase protection analysis and molecular cloning, etc.

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