This kit can be stored dry for 12 months under room temperature (15-25℃ ). For longterm storage, store at 2-8℃ . When stored at 2-8℃ , precipitation might be formed in buffer. Place the buffers at room temperature for a period of time before use, and if necessary, incubate the buffers in a 37 ℃ water bath for 10 minutes to dissolve the precipitation.
The TIANgel Purification Kit adopts a unique adsorption column to effectively recover DNA fragments from agarose gel in either TAE or TBE buffer, while removing impurities such as proteins, ions and small primers. 100 bp-15 kb DNA fragments can be recovered with the recovery rate up to 80%. The maximal amount of DNA that can be adsorbed by each adsorption column is 10 μg.
Required Reagents
Ethanol -
■ Fast: The entire operation process is fast and convenient, and can be completed in around 10 min.
■ Convenient: Gel blocks can be dissolved at room temperature without the use of balance buffer.
■ High efficient: The unique spin column and buffers ensure maximal recovery of high-purity target DNA.
The purified DNA can be directly used for regular experiments such as restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, sequencing, library screening, ligation, transformation, etc.
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