PCR Enzyme

PCR Enhancer

Catalog number / packaging

Cat. no


No. of preps


RP202 500 μl
  • Description

    PCR Enhancer can cooperate with thermostable DNA polymerases to promote the effective amplification of various DNA templates and increase the sensitivity and specificity of PCR reactions. In PCR reactions, PCR Enhancer mainly works by improving the thermal stability of DNA polymerase and reducing the secondary structure of DNA. Therefore, for complex templates (such as high GC content), PCR Enhancer can greatly reduce the influence of DNA secondary structure on PCR by increasing annealing temperature, while the activity of enzyme is not changed.

  • Features

    ■ PCR Enhancer is suitable for PCR with high sensitivity requirements, RT-PCR, MultiPlex PCR, optimization of PCR conditions and DNA amplification with high GC content.

    ■ Usage: Add the PCR enhancer into the reaction system in proportion.