The kit should be stored at-25~-15°C. -
TIANSeq NGS Library Amplification Module is a PCR reagent optimized for the amplification of DNA library for Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform.
The amplified DNA sequence is with highly fidelity and has no base bias. P5/P7 Primers Mix contained in the reagent is a mixture of forward and reverse primers, which is suitable for amplification of library DNA fragments containing P5 and P7 sequences on both ends. If other primers are used, please refer to the corresponding instructions of the supplier. If TIANSeq Fragmentation/Repair/Tailing Module (4992350/4992351) is used for library construction of sample input less than 100 ng, the library amplification is required.
Required Reagents
TIANSeq Fragment /Repair /Tailing Module (Cat# 4992350/4992351)
TIANSeq End repair/dA-Tailing Module (Cat# 4992352/4992353)
TIANSeq Fast Ligation Module (Cat# 4992354/4992355)
TIANSeq Single-Index Adapter (Illumina) (Cat# 4992641/4992642/4992378)
TIANSeq Size Selection DNA Beads (Cat# 4992358/4992359)
■ High amplification fidelity and no base bias.
■ High amplification efficiency and can be used for the amplification of DNA input as low as 1 ng.
■ This kit contains P5/P7 primer which can be directly used for enrichment of DNA library for Illumina platform.
Applicable for amplification of DNA Library for Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform.
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