This kit should be stored at 2~8°C -
TIANSeq RNA Frag/cDNA Synthesis Module is a module that performs RNA fragmentation and cDNA synthesis in the construction of non-directional RNA library for Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform.
The starting sample for this kit can be either rRNA-free total RNA or mRNA directly isolated from the total RNA. This kit includes a complete set of enzyme and reaction buffer for RNA fragmentation as well as first and second strand cDNA synthesis. The optimized reaction system has high reverse transcription activity and cDNA synthesis efficiency, and has good experimental compatibility.
Scope of application: It is suitable for RNA fragmentation and double strand cDNA synthesis reaction in the construction of RNA library of Illumina high throughput sequencing platform. Sample input: 10 ng ~ 1 μg total RNA; as low as 500 pg mRNA of animals, plants and fungi.
Required Reagents
TIANSeq Size Selection DNA Beads (Cat#4992358 /4992359) -
■ Wide sample range: This kit can not only be used for mRNA, but also for rRNA-free RNA fragments and double-strand cDNA synthesis.
■ High conversion efficiency: The optimized reaction system ensures the stability of the product and high efficiency of double strand cDNA synthesis.
■ Simple operation: Integrated reaction process and simplified operation steps.
■ Good compatibility: The purified double stranded cDNA of the reaction product can be directly used for the construction of RNA-Seq library.
mRNA library construction
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