The TGem Ultra is an all-in-one full wavelength micro UV-Vis spectrophotometer with a pedestal that can detect micro amount of samples from 0.5-2 μl with very high accuracy and reproducibility. In pedestal test, based on the surface tension, the sample retains between the two measuring fi bers, allowing the instrument to detect higher concentrations of samples without dilution, and to adjust the pathlength between the fi bers
in real time for more accurate assay data. The fl agship version (OSE-260-06) is equipped with a cuvette measurement module for enzyme kinetic analysis and measurement of low concentration samples.
■ Microsample input: only 0.5-2 μl is required for base loading, saving precious samples.
■ Automatic test: Automatic test can start when the pedestal arm is down.
■ Wide measurement range: the pedestal test concentration range is 2-27500
■ Full wavelength test: it can detect in the wavelength range of 185-910 nm
■ Easy to operate: built-in 7-inch high-resolution color capacitive touch screen, and the friendly operation interface.
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