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GeneGreen Nucleic Acid Dye is an improved oily macromolecule based on cyanine, which reduces the influence of traditional cyanine dyes on the mobility of nucleic acids during electrophoresis, and does not cause electrophoresis band bending. The dye is not volatile and cannot penetrate cell membrane into living cells or be inhaled into human body. The mutagenicity is far lower than EB. It can be cut and recycled under the blue visible light excitation device, which is safe and convenient. It is a new nucleic acid dye with safety, innocuity and high sensitivity.
■ Safe and non-toxic: The unique characteristic of oily macromolecules prevents it from penetrating cell membrane and entering the cells. The mutagenicity of this dye is far lower than EB.
■ Perfect compatibility: Suitable for 254 nm UV gel imaging system and blue visible light excitation device. When the gel cutting operation is carried out under blue light, the damage to eyes and skin of operators caused by UV gel cutting and damage to nucleic acid products caused by long-term exposure to UV light can be avoided.
■ High sensitivity: Strong fluorescence signal, low background signal and high signal-to-noise ratio.
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